10 Key Principles of Pediatric Nursing

What is Paediatric in Nursing?

The term “pediatrics” is derived from the Greek words “Pedia” means child, “strike” means treatment, and “ics” means the branch of science. Thus, pediatric means the science of child care and scientific treatment of childhood diseases. Pediatrics is synonymous with child health.

In another way, pediatric can be defined as the branch of medical science that deals with the care of children from conception to adolescence in health and illness. It is concerned with the preventive, curative, promotive, and rehabilitative care of the children.

What is Pediatric or Paediatric Nursing?

Pediatric nursing can be defined as the nursing care of children from birth to adolescence. It covers the psychological and clinical view of nursing care.

This branch of nursing is concerned with the care of infants and children. Pediatric nursing requires knowledge of normal psychomotor, psychological, and cognitive growth and development as well as of the health problems and needs of people in this age group.

Paediatric Nursing
Fig: Paediatric Nursing

Pediatric nursing is the indefinite field of nursing practice regarding the care of children during illness and wellness. It includes promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative care of children. It emphasizes the all-round development of the body mind and spirit of the growing individual. Thus, pediatric nursing involves giving assistance, care, and support to growing and developing children to achieve their individual potential for functioning with the fullest capacity.

Major Principles of Pediatric Nurse:

There are some key principles of pediatric nurse which are presented below:

  1. The pediatric nurse should accept the parents and their children exactly as they are.
  2. The nurse should have sympathy for the children and parents.
  3. The nurse should commence making a working environment or relationship with the parents and their children from the time of the first contact with them.
  4. The nurse must be willing to acknowledge the parents’ rights to the decision concerning their children.
  5. The nurse should speak in a language that the parents and child can understand.
  6. The nurse should be aware that all the behaviors of the child are meaningful.
  7. The nurse should permit the parents and their children to express their emotions and even negative emotions.
  8. The pediatric nurse should ask different questions limited to a single idea or reference so that it is easy for the parents and child to understand what is being asked.
  9. The members of the health team must make the parents feel that they are working collaboratively for the treatment of their child.
  10. The nurse should let the parents and children knowing that their problems are important and then the nurse is there to aid in the solution of those problems.

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