Oral Care Procedure for Conscious Patients

Why Mouth Care is Important for Conscious Patients?

Oral health care is an essential component of daily hygiene for hospitalized patients and a clean mouth and properly functioning teeth are essential for physical and mental well-being. Due to the lack of energy, unconsciousness, or physical disability, most of the time patients are not able to perform personal care activities. Nurses have an important role in helping patients maintain an acceptable level of oral health. So, they have to maintain the mouth care procedure properly.

You may follow: Oral Hygiene or Mouth Care in Nursing: Purposes, Indications

Mouth care procedure
Fig: Mouth care procedure

The nurse is responsible for offering patients oral hygiene assistance, from preparing needed supplies to actually brushing a patient’s teeth. Mouth care prevents pneumonia, gum disease, and helps prevent heart disease. Oral care or mouth care helps prevent infections in the mouth by removing food particles and plaque and it stimulates the circulation to the gums.

You may follow: Oral Health Problems | Mouth Care Tips | Importance of Oral Hygiene

Mouth care has a significant impact on patients’ general well-being and their quality of life. A Patient needs proper oral care to eat and talk comfortably, feel happy with the appearance, maintain self-esteem, and normal standard of hygiene.

Supplies and Equipment for Mouth Care Procedure:

A tray containing supplies and equipment needed for mouth care procedure are listed in the following:

  1. Small mackintosh–1,
  2. Towel—1,
  3. Kidney tray-2,
  4. Fluoride Toothpaste,
  5. Soft-bristle toothbrush,
  6. Mouth wash solution (0.12% Chlorhexidine or 05% Cetylpyridinium Chloride),
  7. Galipot-1(Denture soaking solution),
  8. Boro- glycerin or lip balm,
  9. Gloves,
  10. Plain water in a mug,
  11. Paper bag.

Mouth Care Process for Conscious Patients:

Following are the mouth care procedure for routine mouth cares for a hospitalized patient, who able to help himself and require some assistance.

  1. Arrange all equipment on the bedside cabinet or an overbed table.
  2. Set the patient’s bed in a comfortable position.
  3. Explain the procedure to the patient that you are going to clean his mouth.
  4. Close door or put screen.
  5. Remove any partial or full plates or dentures and keep them in a denture-soaking solution.
  6. Wash hand to prevent cross-infection.
  7. Put on gloves.
  8. Put the patient in a comfortable position. (Fully upright position to prevent aspiration during mouth cleaning).
  9. Place a towel under the chin.
  10. Place mackintosh around the patient’s position.
  11. Use gauze and a flashlight to inspect the oral cavity.
  12. Prepare brush with toothpaste and brush the teeth and tongue with a soft-bristle toothbrush or mouth swab.
  13. Instruct the patient how to brush teeth properly.
  14. If the patient cannot tolerate tooth brush, can use a cotton ball
  15. Gently brushes the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth, including the gum line.
  16. Use a tongue depressor to open the patient’s mouth.
  17. Hold kidney tray in position and instruct patient to gargle with water.
  18. Give mouth wash to the patient for gurgle to kill the germ.
  19. Wipe lips and face with a towel.
  20. Apply Boro- glycerin or lip balm on cracked lips to keep them soft and moist.
  21. Put the patient in a comfortable position.
  22. Remove all articles, clean them, and keep them in place.
  23. Keep all dirty material in a paper bag and dispose of it properly.

Remember During Mouth Care Procedure for Conscious Patients:

The below points you have to remember during mouth care procedure for conscious patients:

  1. Before offering oral care you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Afterward, wear a fresh pair of hand gloves.
  3. Before starting the mouth care procedure greeting the patient pleasantly.
  4. Also, explain the mouth care procedure to the client properly (If they are responsive).
  5. If the client is trying to help you in this process, then let them do so.
  6. You must watch oral condition to identify any symptoms of mouth infection or diseases like lesions, abscesses, etc.
  7. Use appropriate devices and cleaning products for the mouth care procedure, seeing the patient’s convenience and condition.
  8. Assist the conscious patient at the time of cleaning and drying their mouth regions.

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