Developmental Milestones of a Child by Age or Check list

Definition of Baby Developmental Milestones:

Developmental milestones are behaviors or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all considered as developmental milestones. These are the parameters of different age of children, which gives an idea about the average estimate of the time when the child can be expected to have certain skills. Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range.

Baby developmental milestones month by month or check list
Fig: Baby developmental milestones month by month or check list

Developmental Milestones of a Child Month by Month:

Baby Developmental Milestones




Vision and hearing


1-1.5 months

When held upright, holds head
erect and steady.

Cooes and babbles at parents
and people they know.

Focuses on parents.

  • Loves looking at new faces.
  • Starts to smile at parents.
  •   Startled by sudden noises.

1.6-2 months

When prone, lifts self by arms;

  • Vocalizes
  •   Cooes (makes vowel-like noises) or babbles.

Focuses on objects as well as

  • Loves looking at new faces.
  • Smiles at parent.
  • Starting to smile.

2.1-4.5 months

  • Rolls from side to side.
  • Rests on elbows, Lifts head 90 degrees.
  • Sits propped up with hands, head steady for
    short time.
  • Changes sounds while verbalizing, “eee-ahhh”.
  • Verbalizes to engage someone in interaction.
  • Blows bubbles, plays with tongue.
  • Deep belly laughs.
  • Hand regard: following the hand with the eyes.
  • Color vision adult-like.

Serves to practice emerging
visual skills. Also observed in blind children.

3 months

  • Prone: head held up for prolonged periods.
  • No grasp reflex.

Makes vowel noises

  • Follows dangling toy from side to side.
  • Turns head around to sound. Follows adults’
    gaze (joint attention). Sensitivity to binocular cues emerges.
  • Squeals with delight appropriately. Discriminates
    smile. Smiles often.
  • Laughs at simple things.
  • Reaches out for objects.

5 months

  • Holds head steady.
  •  Goes for objects and gets them.
  • Objects taken to mouth.

Enjoy vocal play.

  • Noticing colors.
  • Adjusts hand shape to shape of toy before
    picking up.

6 months

  • Transfers objects from one hand to the other.
  • Pulls self-up to sit and sits erect with
  • Rolls over prone to supine.
  • Palmar grasp of cube hand to hand eye
  • Double syllable sounds such as ‘mumum’ and
  • Babbles (consonant-vowel combinations).
  • Localizes sound 45 cm lateral to either ear.
  • Visual acuity adult-like (20/20).
  • Sensitivity to pictorial depth cues (those
    used by artists to indicate depth) emerges.

May show Stranger anxiety.

9-10 months

  • Wiggles and crawls.
  • Sits unsupported.
  • Picks up objects with pincer grasp.

Babbles tunefully

Looks for toys dropped

Apprehensive about strangers.

1 year

  • Stands holding furniture.
  • Stands alone for à second or two, then
    collapses with a bump.

Babbles 2 or 3 words repeatedly.

Drops toys, and watches where
they go.

  • Cooperates with dressing.
  • Waves goodbye.
  • Understands simple commands

18 months

  • Can walk alone.
  • Picks up toy without falling
  • Gets up/down stairs holding
    onto rail. Begins to Jump with both feet.
  • Can build a tower of 3 or 4
    cubes and throw a ball.
  • Supinate grasping position
    usually seen as first grasping position utilized.

‘Jargon’. Many intelligible

Be able to recognize their
favorite songs, and will try to join in.

  • Demands constant mothering Drinks from a cup
    with both hands.
  • Feeds self with a spoon.
  • Most children with autism are diagnosed at
    this age.

2 years

  • Able to run.
  • Walks up and down stairs 2 feet per step.
  • Builds tower of 6 cubes.

Joins 2-3 words in sentences.

  • Parallel play.
  • Dry by day.

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