How Can We Prevent From Chikungunya Virus?
Chikungunya is a viral disease that is transmitted to humans by infected Aedes mosquitoes. Infected mosquitos transmit the virus to other people by their bits. To prevent the spread of the chikungunya virus, it is most important to avoid mosquito bites by minimizing contact with mosquitoes. All suspected cases should be kept under mosquito nets during the febrile period. Nursing interventions are very important for chikungunya virus affected patients who are hospitalized.

Prevention for Chikungunya Virus:
Chikungunya virus is transmitted by mosquito bites. So the best methods of prevention involve minimizing contact with mosquitos. Some important steps can take to prevent transmission of the chikungunya virus includes:
- Use mosquito’s ejector containing DEET (N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) or picaridin on skin and cloth.
- Wear cloth that covers the whole body.
- Stay in the home as much as possible, especially during the early morning and late afternoon.
- Avoid traveling in chikungunya virus affected endemic area.
- Use products containing PMD (p-Menthane-3, 8-diol) or oil of lemon eucalyptus that can be helpful.
- Use air-conditioning- this prevents mosquitos from entering rooms.
- Use mosquito net during sleeping.
- Use mosquito nets to protect family members (babies, older) and sick people, and others who rest during the day.
- Use mosquito coils and insecticide vaporizers to kill mosquitos during the daytime.
- Destroy discarded containers from around the surrounding.
- Usable containers turn over or empty every 3-4 days to prevent chikungunya virus vector mosquito breeding.
Nursing Intervention for Chikungunya Virus Affected Patient:
In the acute stage, nursing interventions are very important for the hospitalized patient. Some important nursing interventions for chikungunya virus affected patient are pointed below:
- Monitor vital signs carefully and keep a record.
- Obtain frequent temperature readings and record them.
- Check color, features of rash, and temperature of the skin.
- Observe for shivering and diaphoresis.
- Ensure tepid sponging of the whole body to reduce the temperature.
- Maximize heat loss by minimizing the external covering of the patient’s body and ensuring adequate ventilation.
- Give antipyretic as per doctor’s order and check persons with no preexisting liver or kidney disease.
- Inform patient to avoid self-medication with aspirin or other pain killers
- Assess for the presence of thirst and malaise.
- Encourage patients to take deep breaths when nauseated.
- Encourage oral hygiene and provide frequent mouth care.
- Encourage patient to drink plenty of water with electrolytes (approximately 2.5-3 liters per day).
- Maintain intake output chart during the acute phase for the hospitalized patient.
- Encourage the patient to take nutritious and fresh food to recover early.
- Observe clients for nausea and vomiting and give ice, drinks containing carbonated as indicated.
- Provide small, frequent meals and instruct the patient to ingest slowly.
- Keep hospital surroundings clean and dump free.
- Encourage verbalization of feelings about pain.
- Instruct patient to assume a comfortable position while on the bed or sitting in a chair.
- Assist the patient to move in bed, supporting affected joints above and below without jerking.
- Instruct patient to avoid jerky movements.
- Apply warm, moist compresses to affected joints several times a day.
- Inform patient to avoid heat therapy during the acute stage because it increases or worsens joint pain.
- Allow the patient mild exercise and physiotherapy that help the patient recover.
- Refrain the patient from hard work and exertion.
- Ensure a quiet environment and adequate rest to reduce headaches.
- Massage the head and neck if the patient tolerates reducing headache.
- Administer non-narcotic analgesics or codeine if ordered to reduce headache.
- Identify physical and emotional factors that can cause fatigue.
- Provide instruction to the patient about fatigue and describe the relationship of disease activity to fatigue.
- Facilitate the development of an appropriate activity/rest schedule.
- Explain how to use energy conservation techniques (Pacing, delegating, setting priorities).

Maria Khatun Mona is a Founder and Editor of Nursing Exercise Blog. She is a Nursing and Midwifery Expert. Currently she is working as a Registered Nurse at Evercare Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has great passion in writing different articles on Nursing and Midwifery. Mail her at “”