Different Types and Symptoms of Shock in Medical

Definition of Shock:

Shock is defined as a pathophysiological state in which there is reduced oxygen consumption by the peripheral tissues produced by a reduction in delivery of oxygenated blood or reduced oxygen extraction by the peripheral tissues. It is an acute clinical syndrome by hypo-perfusion, resulting in severe dysfunction of the organs vital survival.

Classification of shock in medical
Fig: Classification of shock in medical

Classification or Types of Shock:

The following classifications are given below:

Primary shock:

This occur acting at the time of the accident or sudden illness.

Secondary shock:

This may not develop until several hours after the accident or sudden illness and is unusually very serious.

Another Classification:

Oligaemic shock:

This occurs when the tissues have been damaged and there is loss or blood or fluid from the circulation. It is very commonly present in the following circumstances-

  • Fracture,
  • Hemorrhage,
  • Burns and scalds,
  • After surgical operation,
  • In severe vomiting and diarrheas.

Neurogenic shock:

This may happen when no specific injury has taken place but when an emotional upset has occurred. It can occur in the following circumstances-

  • In state of fear,
  • In state of high emotion due to bed news,
  • Due to exposure,
  • Spinal or head injury.

Hemorrhagic shock:

Loss of blood due to wounds, Loss of blood due to wounds, internal bleeding, multiple trauma and severe burns.

Respiratory shock:

There is insufficient amount oxygen in the blood due to inadequate breathing or respiratory arrest.

  • Spinal injury,
  • Obstruction of airways,
  • Chest trauma.

Psychogenic shock:

Something psychological affects the patient death of loved one, accident etc.

Cardiac shock:

Cardiac muscle not pumping effectively due to injury or previous heart attack. The heart muscle no longer imparts sufficient pressure to circulate the blood.

Metabolic shock:

Loss of body fluid with a change in biochemical equilibrium and insulin shock diarrhea.

Septic shock:

Septic shock is a serious condition that occurs when an overwhelming infection leads to low blood pressure and low blood flow.

Anaphylactic shock:

Severe allergic reaction of the body to sensitization by a foreign protein.

Sign and symptoms of Shock in Medical:

Sign and Symptoms Of all types of shock Includes:

  1. Rapid, shallow or gasping breathing,
  2. Cold, pale, clammy skin,
  3. Rapid but weak pulse,
  4. Dizziness or fainting,
  5. Weakness, fainting or giddiness and discomfort,
  6. Eyes appear to stare,
  7. Pupil are dilated, lusterless of eyes,
  8. Anxiety or restlessness/ agitation,
  9. Seizures,
  10. Confusion or unresponsiveness,
  11. Low or no urine output,
  12. Bluish lips and fingernails,
  13. Profuse sweating, moist skin,
  14. Shaking and trembling of arms and legs,
  15. Chest pain,
  16. Nausea, vomiting or extreme thirst,
  17. Blood pressure falls,
  18. Sunken eyes (Lusterless eyes),
  19. Shaking and trembling of arms and legs,
  20. Generally the patient is very quiet and dustless but it the shock is caused hemorrhage in which patient will be restless and anxious,
  21. Face pale and grey color,
  22. Occasionally cyanosis,
  23. Temperature will be subnormal,
  24. Unconsciousness may be develop,
  25. Evidence of associated external or internal bleeding.

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