Composition of Breast Milk | Composition of Cow Milk | Breast Milk VS Cow Milk

Breast Milk VS Cow Milk

Different Compositions of Human Breast Milk:

The composition of human breast milk varies at different stages in the postnatal period to fulfill the needs of the baby.

A. Colostrum:
It includes-

  1. It is secreted during the first three days after delivery.
  2. It is thick, yellow, and small in quantities.
  3. It contains more antibodies and cells with a higher amount of proteins and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).
  4. It is sufficient and protective for the baby and should not be discarded.

    Breast milk vs cow milk
    Fig: Breast milk vs cow milk

B. Transitional Milk:
It includes-

  1. It follows the colostrum and secretes during the first two weeks of the postnatal period.
  2. It has increased fat and sugar content and decreased protein and immunoglobulin content.

C. Mature Milk:
It includes-

  1. It is secreted usually from 10 to 12 days after delivery.
  2. It is watery but contains all the nutrients for optimal growth of the baby.

D. Preterm Milk:
It includes-

  1. The breast milk secreted by a mother who has delivered a preterm baby is different from the milk of a mother who has delivered a full-term baby.
  2. This milk contains more proteins, sodium, iron, immunoglobulins, and calories appropriate for the requirements of the preterm neonates.

E. Fore Milk:
It includes-

  1. It is secreted at the starting of regular breastfeeding.
  2. It is more watery to satisfy the baby’s thirst and contains more proteins, sugar, vitamins, and minerals.

F. Hind Milk:
It is secreted towards the end of regular breastfeeding and contains more fat and energy.

Compositions of Breast Milk:

It includes-
  • Protein- 11 gm per liter,
  • Carbohydrate- 70 gm per liter
  • Fat- 35 gm per liter
  • Non protein- 0.32 gm per liter
  • Minerals- 2 gm per liter
  • Calcium- 0.33 gm per liter
  • Potassium- 0.15 gm per liter
  • Iron- 0.4-1.5 MGM per liter
  • Vitamin C- 60 gm per liter
  • Vitamin D- 50 IU
  • Water- 88 gm per liter
  • Energy- 640-720 kcal

Compositions of Cow Milk:

It includes-
  • Protein- 33 gm per liter,
  • Carbohydrate- 50 gm per liter
  • Fat- 35 gm per liter
  • Non protein- 0.32 gm per liter
  • Minerals- 8 gm per liter
  • Calcium- 1 gm per liter
  • Potassium- 1 gm per liter
  • Iron- 0.3-0.05 mg per liter
  • Vitamin C- 20 gm per liter
  • Vitamin D- 25 IU
  • Water- 7 gm per liter
  • Energy- 650 kcal
More questions related to this article:
  • What is the composition of human breast milk?
  • What is the composition of cow milk?
  • What is the percentage of water in breast milk?
  • Write about breast milk composition.
  • What is the amount of vitamins in breastmilk?

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