Developmental Milestones of a Child at 4 Years and 5 Years

Developmental Milestone of a Child at 4 Years and 5 Years

Definition of Baby Developmental Milestone:

Developmental milestones are behaviors or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all considered as developmental milestones. These are the parameters of different age of children, which gives an idea about the average estimate of the time when the child can be expected to have certain skills. Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range.

Developmental milestones of a child at 4 years and 5 years
Fig: Developmental milestones of a child at 4 years and 5 years

Developmental Milestone of a Child at 4 Years:

Developmental Milestones of a
Child at 4 Years

Gross motor

  • Runs smoothly, varying speeds.
  • Hops on one fool (4-9 times).
  • Balances on one foot (8-10 seconds).
  • Bounces ball with beginning control.
  • Throws ball overhand.
  • Handles stairs with alternating feet using rail.

Fine motor

  • Copies cross and square.
  • Attempts to cut on straight line.
  • Has established hand dominance.
  • “Writes” on page at random.
  • May try to print own name.
  • Draws person-arms and legs directly from head.

Cognitive function

  • Understands opposite analogies.
  • Follows 3-stage commands.
  • Listens eagerly to stories.
  • Follows directions with prepositions (e.g., “above,” under”).
  • Loves silly songs, names.
  • Increasing use of imagination.
  • Enjoys dress-up play.
  • Is interested in time concepts (e.g., yesterday, hour, minute).
  • Identifies several capabilities.
  • Rote counts to 10.
  • Counts 4 items.
  • Categorizes animals, food, toys.
  • Matches geometric forms.
  • Identifies missing part.

Expressive Language

  • Uses all parts of speech correctly.
  • Has vocabulary of 2,000- plus words.
  • Uses color names.
  • Defines words in terms of use (e.g., car, pencil).
  • Asks many questions (e.g., why, what, how).
  • Has 100% production and use of consonants.
  • Corrects own errors in pronunciation of new words.

Social behavior

  • Has sense of humor and self-laughing.
  • Is dogmatic and dramatic.
  • Shows urge to conform/ please is diminished.
  • May have control issues.
  • May be physically aggressive.
  • Is self-sufficient in own home.
  • Has nightmares.
  • May argue, boast, and make alibis.
  • Calls attention to own performance.
  • Bosses and criticizes others.
  • Rarely sleeps at nap time.
  • Separates from mother easily.
  • Often has “special” friend.
  • Prefers peers to adults.
  • Washes face, brushes teeth, and dresses self.
  • Uses bathroom unassisted.

Developmental Milestones of a Child at 5 Years:

Developmental Milestones of a
Child at 5 Years

Gross motor

  • Balances on one foot.
  • Skips smoothly.
  • Uses roller skates.
  • Rides bicycle with training wheels.
  • Balances on tiptoes.

Fine motor

  • Handedness firmly established.
  • Colors within lines.
  • Cuts on line.
  • Copies circle, square, and triangle.
  • Is not adept at pasting or gluing.
  • Draws within small areas. ,
  • Ties knot in string after demonstration.


Receptive Language:

  • Listens briefly to what others say.
  • Understands 6,000 words.
  • Categories words.
  • Guesses object by attribute or use of clues (e.g., “”What
  • Points to first and last in a line-up.

Expressive Language:

  • Has vocabulary of 2,500-plus words.
  • Repeats days of the week by rote.
  • Defines words and asks for word meanings.
  • Acts out stories.
  • Gives rhyming word after example.

Cognitive function

  • Is often ready to enter kindergarten.
  • Appreciates past present, and future.
  • Can count 6 objects when asked, “How many?”
  • Begins to enjoy humorous stories and slapstick humor.
  • States address, age, name, and ages of siblings.
  • Acts out stories.
  • Learns left from right.
  • Matches 10-12 colors.
  • Predicts what will happen next.

School milestones

  • Prints first name and simple words.
  • Writing is mostly capital letters.
  • Frequently copies left to right.
  • Reversals are common (e.g., writes b as d).
  • Reads letters in sequence.
  • Recognizes first name.
  • Recognizes several or all numerals on clock, phone, and calendar.
  • Counts and points to 13 objects.
  • Writes 1-10 poorly-many reversals.
  • Adds and subtracts using 5 fingers.
  • Is capable of self-criticism.

Social development

  • Enjoys small group cooperative play often noisy.
  • Listens and participates in 20-minute group activity.
  • Knows when certain events occur.
  • Accepts adult help and supervision.
  • Is serious, business like, and self-assured.
  • Wants to help and please adults.
  • Enjoys competitive exercise games.
  • Fears parental loss, thunder, and scary animals.
  • More conscious of body, wants.
  • Respects peers and their property.

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