Oxygen Therapy Administration Procedure Through Mask

Definition of Oxygen Therapy:

Oxygen therapy refers to the administration of supplemental oxygen as part of managing illness. In healthy individuals, oxygen is absorbed from the air in adequate amounts, but certain diseases and conditions can prevent some people from absorbing enough oxygen.

Oxygen therapy administration procedure through mask
Fig: Oxygen therapy administration procedure through mask

 Complications of Oxygen Therapy:

100% oxygen is both irritant and toxic if inhaled for more than few hours.

  • Premature infants develop retrolental fibroplasia and blindness if exposed to excessive concentrations.
  • In adults, pulmonary oxygen toxicity (manifested by pulmonary oedema and free radical damage leading ultimately to fibrosis.

 Methods of Oxygen Therapy Administration by Mask in Nursing:

  1. Review chart for physician’s order for oxygen to ensure that it includes method of delivery, flow rate, titration orders; identify client.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Identify client and proceed with 5 rights of medication administration. Explain procedure to client. Explain that oxygen will ease dyspnea or discomfort, and inform client concerning safety precautions associated with oxygen use.
  4. Assist client to semi- or high Fowler’s position, if tolerated.
  5. Insert flow meter into wall outlet. Attach oxygen tubing to nozzle on flow meter. If using a high O2 flow, attach humidifier. Attach oxygen tubing to humidifier.
  6. Turn on the oxygen at the prescribed rate. For a mask with a reservoir, be sure to allow oxygen to fill bag.
  7. Place mask on face, applying from the nose and over the chin.
  8. Adjust the metal rim over the nose and contour the mask to the face.
  9. Adjust the metal rim over the nose and contour the mask to the face.
  10. Assess for proper functioning of equipment and observe client’s initial response to therapy.
  11. Monitor continuous therapy by assessing for pressure areas on the skin and nares every 2 hours and rechecking flow rate every 4 to 8 hours.

What are the general rules will you maintain during oxygenation?

General Rules During Oxygenation:

  1. Place warning signs reading “No smoking: Oxygen in use” on the patient’s door, at the foot or head of bed, and on the oxygen equipment.
  2. Instruct the patient and visitors about the hazards of smoking with oxygen in se.
  3. Make sure that electrical equipment; such as razors, radios and televisions is in good working condition to prevent the occurrence of short-circuit sparks.
  4. Avoid materials that generate static electricity, Such as woolen blankets and synthetic fabrics.
  5. Avoid the use of volatile, inflammable materials, such as oils, alcohol and ether near patients receiving oxygen.
  6. Ground electric monitoring equipment, suction machines and portable diagnostic machines.
  7. Make known the location of fire extinguishers and make sure personnel are trained in their use.

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