Different Positions of Labor with Their Advantages

Different Positions of Labour and Their Advantages

Definition of Active Phase of Labor:

During this phase, the cervix dilates rapidly. For most pregnant women, dilation goes from 3 to 4 centimeters to 8 to 9 centimeters. The active phase is the most predictable, lasting an average of 5 hours in first-time mother’s and 2 hours in mothers who have given birth before.

Characteristics of Active Phase of Labor:

All the characteristics of active phase of labor have pointed out in the below:

  • Contractions at least 3 / 10 min,
  • Each lasting > 40 seconds,
  • The cervix should dilate at a rate of 1 cm/ hour or faster Increasing pain and discomfort with contractions,
  • Increasing bloody show,
  • Rupture of the membranes,
  • Leg discomfort or heaviness.
Different positions of labour with their advantages
Fig: Different positions of labour with their advantages

Different Positions of Labour with Their Advantages:

During First Stage of Labour:

  1. Upright position,
  2. Recumbent position.

1. Advantages of upright position:

  • It helps to use gravity effectively.
  • The fetus into the lower pole of the uterus & by pressing on the cervical nerve ending stimulates good uterine action.
  • In the erect position the antero-posterior diameter of the pelvic brim is enlarged.
  • Standing on tip-toe during a contraction with women back bent & her abdominal muscles drawn inwards & upward.

2. Advantages of Recumbent Position:

The women should of course be in bed. So that she can relax & conserve her strength.

During Second Stage of Labour:

  1. Squating position,
  2. Lying on side position,
  3. Kneeling position (on hands or fore arms and knees).

1. Advantages of squatting position:

  • It uses gravity to help baby’s descent.
  • It can help to open the pelvis.

2. Advantages of lying on side position:

  • It helps to prevent tears
  • It promotes rest and relaxation between pushing and contractions.

3. Advantages of lying on side position:

  • It helps to encourage movement of the baby.
  • The women can drape over the head of the bed, or birthing ball, to rest and relax.
  • It may relieve back pain during labour.
  • It helps baby rotates to most favorable position.

During Third Stage of Labour:

  • Dorsal position.

Advantages of Dorsal position:

  • The uterus can be observed better.
  • It assists to expel the placenta.
  • It helps to reduce risk of air embolism.

More questions related to this article:

  1. What do you mean by active phase of labour?
  2. What is active phase of labour?
  3. What are the characteristics of active phase of labour?
  4. What are the key features of active phase of labour?
  5. List the suitable positions of labour.
  6. What are the most effective positions of labour?
  7. Mention the different position of labour with their advantages.

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