Different Positions of Labour and Their Advantages
Definition of Active Phase of Labor:
During this phase, the cervix dilates rapidly. For most pregnant women, dilation goes from 3 to 4 centimeters to 8 to 9 centimeters. The active phase is the most predictable, lasting an average of 5 hours in first-time mother’s and 2 hours in mothers who have given birth before.
Characteristics of Active Phase of Labor:
All the characteristics of active phase of labor have pointed out in the below:
- Contractions at least 3 / 10 min,
- Each lasting > 40 seconds,
- The cervix should dilate at a rate of 1 cm/ hour or faster Increasing pain and discomfort with contractions,
- Increasing bloody show,
- Rupture of the membranes,
- Leg discomfort or heaviness.

Different Positions of Labour with Their Advantages:
During First Stage of Labour:
- Upright position,
- Recumbent position.
1. Advantages of upright position:
- It helps to use gravity effectively.
- The fetus into the lower pole of the uterus & by pressing on the cervical nerve ending stimulates good uterine action.
- In the erect position the antero-posterior diameter of the pelvic brim is enlarged.
- Standing on tip-toe during a contraction with women back bent & her abdominal muscles drawn inwards & upward.
2. Advantages of Recumbent Position:
The women should of course be in bed. So that she can relax & conserve her strength.
During Second Stage of Labour:
- Squating position,
- Lying on side position,
- Kneeling position (on hands or fore arms and knees).
1. Advantages of squatting position:
- It uses gravity to help baby’s descent.
- It can help to open the pelvis.
2. Advantages of lying on side position:
- It helps to prevent tears
- It promotes rest and relaxation between pushing and contractions.
3. Advantages of lying on side position:
- It helps to encourage movement of the baby.
- The women can drape over the head of the bed, or birthing ball, to rest and relax.
- It may relieve back pain during labour.
- It helps baby rotates to most favorable position.
During Third Stage of Labour:
- Dorsal position.
Advantages of Dorsal position:
- The uterus can be observed better.
- It assists to expel the placenta.
- It helps to reduce risk of air embolism.
More questions related to this article:
- What do you mean by active phase of labour?
- What is active phase of labour?
- What are the characteristics of active phase of labour?
- What are the key features of active phase of labour?
- List the suitable positions of labour.
- What are the most effective positions of labour?
- Mention the different position of labour with their advantages.

Maria Khatun Mona is a Founder and Editor of Nursing Exercise Blog. She is a Nursing and Midwifery Expert. Currently she is working as a Registered Nurse at Evercare Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has great passion in writing different articles on Nursing and Midwifery. Mail her at “maria.mona023@gmail.com”