Health Care Network of Bangladesh:
A health care system consists of all organizations; people and actions that promote restore or maintain health. To ensure proper care, need to set up an effective healthcare delivery system.

Bangladesh healthcare systems are mentioned below:
In Ward Level:
- Community Clinic,
- Family Welfare Centre (FWC).
- Family Welfare Visitor (FWV),
- Family Welfare Assistants (FWAs),
- Medical Assistant (MAs),
- Skill Birth Attendance (SBA),
- Village Health Volunteer (VHV),
- Community Midwife (CMW).
- Establishing referral linkage with higher facilities,
- Family planning,
- EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization),
- Primary health care,
- Oral rehydration therapy,
- Sanitation,
- Nutrition.
Role and Activities:
- Creating awareness going door to door,
- Immediate refer system,
- Home visit of pregnant women,
- Normal delivery conduct.
In Union Level:
- Family welfare center (FWC),
- Community clinic,
- Union sub-center,
- Rural dispensary.
- MBBS doctor,
- Medical assistant,
- Nurse,
- Word boy or patient care attendance.
- Maternal and neonatal health care services,
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI),
- Reproductive Health and FP services,
- Registration of newly married women, pregnant women,
- Birth & death, preservation of EDD (Expected Date of Delivery),
- Nutritional education and micro-nutrient supplements,
- Health, Nutrition and FP Education & counseling,
- EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization),
- Delivery conduct,
- Primary health care,
- Outpatient service for injuries, wound, and minor alignment,
- Identifications of emergency & complicated cases & refer to higher facilities,
- Treatment of Common diseases & first aid.
Role and Activities:
- Immediate refer system,
- Home visit,
- Create awareness and monthly meeting with union council,
- Delivery of some essential drugs.
In Upazilla Level:
- Upazilla Health Complex (UHC),
- TB Clinic.
- Upazilla health family planning officer(UHFPO),
- Maternal child welfare officer(MCWO),
- Consultant doctor,
- Residential medical officers (RMO),
- Medical officers (MO),
- Nurse,
- Laboratory technician,
- Pharmacist,
- Traditionally trained birth attendance,
- Family panning officers.
- Comprehensive emergency obstetric care,
- Facilitate services of gynecology, anesthesia,
- Nursing service and basic laboratory facilities,
- Admission and discharge,
- General health problem treatment,
- Normal Delivery conduct,
- Cesarean delivery,
- TB treatment,
- Leprosy treatment,
- Maternal child care,
- EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization),
- Family planning.
Role and Activities:
- Trained union-level health care staff,
- Create awareness,
- Referral system,
- Control communicable disease,
- Pre-service education,
- Health education and health promotion.
In District Level:
- District hospital with the nursing institute,
- General hospital,
- Medical college with the nursing institute,
- Chest disease clinic,
- Leprosy clinic,
- Medical assistant training institute,
- Private clinic.
- Civil Surgeon,
- Consultant doctor,
- RMOs (Residential Medical Officers),
- MOS (Medical Officers),
- Superintendent of drugs,
- Family Planning supervisor,
- Public health nurse,
- FPO (Family Planning Officer),
- EPI supervisor,
- MCW officer,
- Pharmacist,
- Technicians,
- Recordkeeper.
- All general healthcare,
- Operative care,
- Rehabilitation center,
- Support to Upazila health complex,
- Supplements materials to UHC,
- Co-ordination with all health care center,
- Training of health care personnel and Capacity building,
- Nursing education and service,
- Hospital service management and safe blood transfusion.
Role and Activities:
- Development and administration of care service at the district level,
- Specialist, diagnostic and laboratory service,
- Strengthening of drug administration and management,
- Training, research, and development,
- Referral system.
In Divisional Level:
- Medical College and Hospital, with Nursing Institute,
- General Hospital with Nursing Institute,
- Infectious Disease Hospital,
- Institute of Health Technology.
- Divisional director,
- Civil surgeon,
- Consultant doctor,
- Resister medical officers,
- RMOs,
- MOs,
- Superintendent of drugs,
- Family Planning supervisor,
- Public health nurse,
- FPO,
- EPI supervisor,
- MCW officer,
- Pharmacist,
- Technicians,
- Recordkeeper.
- Provide care of all complicated disease,
- Rehabilitation care,
- Training, research, and development,
- Provide care of infectious and communicable disease,
- Ensure nursing care.
Role and Activities:
- Responsible for policy formulation and decision making in health care sectors.
- Planning and implementation of programs and projects and technical guidance to the health sector.
At National level:
- Public health institute,
- Postgraduate medical institute and hospital with the nursing institute,
- Specialized health institute.
- Director of the institute,
- The principal of the medical college,
- Consultant doctor,
- Registered medical officer,
- RMOs,
- MOs,
- Public health nurse,
- Recordkeeper.
- Facilitate opportunity for higher education,
- Provide super-specialty care.
More questions related to this topic:
- Health Care Network or Level in Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh Health Care System.
- Primary Health Care in Bangladesh.
- Health Service in Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh Health System Structure.

Maria Khatun Mona is a Founder and Editor of Nursing Exercise Blog. She is a Nursing and Midwifery Expert. Currently she is working as a Registered Nurse at Evercare Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has great passion in writing different articles on Nursing and Midwifery. Mail her at “”
useful brief overview of health care delivery system in Bangladesh,
Very good. Explain briefly but detailed.
Thanks for writing about health care delivery system in Bangladesh. Really nice. Waiting for more article.
Many thanks !!
It’s brief but very helpful and expecting such writings in next time.