Nursing Management Skills | Importance of Leadership in Nursing

What is Nursing Management?

It is defined as the process of planning, organizing, activating, and controlling the managerial function of nursing to determine and accomplish the objectives of nursing care. It is the art of getting work done through and with nursing staff by the nurse manager. It is a cooperative effort aimed at providing high-quality care to the patient. In the case of nursing management, the nurse manager or nurse administrator delegates the workload to the nursing staff with the authority and responsibility and controls the work in a disciplined manner to achieve quality care and patient satisfaction.
Nursing management skills
Fig: Nursing management skills

What is the Importance of Leadership and Management in Nursing?

Today, all nurses are a manager, whether they work for a large hospital or community or any organization. They deal with other staff that works with them and for them, they use resources wisely. The success of such an organization largely depends on the quality of management as it helps to-

  1. Use human and material resources wisely and properly,
  2. Improve quality,
  3. Improve skills,
  4. Minimize the mal-utilization of resources,
  5. Minimize the problems,
  6. Maximum care,
  7. Improve communication,
  8. Improve interpersonal relationship,
  9. Increase client satisfaction,
  10. Increase staff motivation,
  11. Achieve the organizational goal as a whole.

Others importance of nursing management as follows:

  • It helps to achieve organizational policy and objectives.
  • It helps the organizational people can achieve the desired goal.
  • It is an important social process.
  • It helps to minimize the mal-utilization of resources and problems.
  • Management is essential because it makes plan directs employees and motivates them.
Role of Management in Nursing Profession:

There are some key roles of management in the nursing profession which are listed below:

  1. Maintain high-quality nursing service standards.
  2. Handling the labor and nursing association issues.
  3. Create a positive performance-oriented culture in the workplace.
  4. Manage multiple higher hospital management.
  5. Manage your nursing staff.
  6. It provides a framework to know exactly how to communicate with the other staff.
  7. Accelerate the nurse manager career and discover new opportunities.
Leadership and Management Skills in Nursing:

The below skills are too much needed for nursing management.

1. Be Experts at Communication:

Nursing managers need to be able to convey information effectively and concisely.

2. Understand the Ins-and-outs of Teamwork:

Nursing manager not only requires the understanding of how to work well with a team but they also need to understand how to properly build an effective team.

3. Positive Attitude:
Nursing managers are people who the entire nursing staff relies on for support.

4. Be Decisive and Be a Leader:

Nursing managers are looked up to by staff for leadership during trying times.

5. Mentoring:
Nursing managers must be open to monitoring opportunities. Grooming experienced nurses is an ongoing part of their success strategy and helps guarantee that the nursing team’s mission will remain intact over time.

More questions related to this article:

  1. Why is leadership important in nursing?
  2. Why are leadership and management important?
  3. What type of qualities must a nurse possess to be a good leader?
  4. What does applied leadership mean in nursing?
  5. Why management skills are a priority for nurses
  6. What are the various types of leadership styles in nursing?
  7. What is the most important quality in a nurse?
  8. What is effective leadership and management in nursing?
  9. Mention some key roles of management in the nursing profession.

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