What are the Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation?

What is Poor Blood Circulation?

The circulation in the blood has been one of the often neglected processes in the body. As a person gets aged, the effects of having poor blood circulation are getting apparent. Worse, the symptoms can affect the life of a person and can even cause complications. The treatment for these depends on the cause, the severity, and the parts affected.

Poor blood circulation
Fig: Poor blood circulation

This article will discuss some of the signs that tell there are already manifestations of poor circulation in your system. Regardless of the signs, these are all dangerous and can cause potential harm to your overall health, so preventing it is important.

Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation:

The numbness and prickly sensations are the most common symptoms of having poor circulation. The feeling of pins and needles in the hands and feet happens because there is insufficient blood supply in these parts due to the restricted flow of blood.

1. The coldness of the Hands and Feet:

If there is reduced blood flow, another effect is the fluctuation of temperature to the affected areas, causing cold feelings especially to the hands and feet compared to other parts of the body.

2. Inflammation in the Lower Extremities:

Also known as edema, this condition is caused by an accumulation of blood in some areas of the body, and this is another effect of poor blood circulation. In the lower extremities, edema happens when blood is collected in these areas. Pressure builds in these parts which force the fluid from the blood vessels to its neighboring tissues. Its symptoms include:

  • The tightness and unexplainable warmth in the skin
  • Heavy feeling and inflammations
  • Joints that are stiffed
  • Pain in the affected parts

3. Dysfunctions in the Cognitive Areas:

Loss and memory and difficulty in concentration are just some of the cognitive problems brought about by improper blood circulation. These cognitive problems relating to circulation happens because:

  • There is reduced blood flow in the brain
  • There is a lessened amount of blood that is pumped throughout the body
  • There are some changes in the pressure of the blood

4. Problems in the Digestion:

The process of digestion strongly relies on blood circulation. If there is poor circulation, fats will manifest in the lining of the blood vessels in the abdomen area.

You will know that you have digestive issues because of poor circulation if you experience:

  • Pain in the abdominal area,
  • Experiencing diarrhea or constipation,
  • Having bloody stool and abdominal cramps.

5. Other Signs to Watch out For Poor Blood Circulation:

The manifestations of poor blood circulation don’t end on the mentioned symptoms. Other signs must be checked out, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Changes in the skin color (due to the insufficiency of arterial blood in the body)
  • Varicose veins (knotted veins)
  • Leg ulcers (swelling of the leg area due to the development of the blood pool in this part)

If you see any of these signs, seek consultation with a health professional must be done right away. Depending on the causes, changing the lifestyle like eating a balanced diet, active lifestyle, and quitting vices like smoking can help you prevent or lessen the effects of poor blood circulation. Consider also using devices that can aid you to have better circulation, just Shop@halo health.

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