Psychological Response During Each Trimester Of Pregnancy

Psychological Response During Each Trimester Of Pregnancy

Definition of Pregnancy:

Pregnancy also termed as gestation and it is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology.

Psychological response during each trimester of pregnancy
Fig: Psychological response during each trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy is the state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. It can be detected by positive results on an over-the-counter urine test, ultrasound, and confirmed through a blood test, detection of fetal heartbeat, or an X-ray. Pregnancy lasts for about nine months which is measured from the date of the woman’s last menstrual period (LMP).

Psychological Response During Each Trimester Of Pregnancy:

1. First trimester:

  • Uncertainty: Reaction to uncertainty depends on the individual. Women may spend a lot uncertainty: of time trying to confirm of pregnancy.
  • Ambivalence: Even through pregnancy was confirmed women may still experience ambivalence of pregnancy.
  • The self as primary focus: Throughout the first trimester the women usually focus on herself not the fetus. Early physical changes, such as nausea and fatigue confirm that something is happening to her, but the fetus remains vague and unreal to them.

2. Second trimester:

Physical evidence of pregnancy: The movement of the fetus (quickening of the fetus) makes women experiences that real fetus. As a result, mothers no longer thinks of fetus as simply a part of her body, but they now perceive it as separate. Other changing during the second stage are the fetus as primary focus, narcissism and introversion body image and changes in sexuality.

3. Third trimester:

  • Mother experience vulnerability particularly during the 7 month of pregnancy. Some may experience nightmare about harm coming to their infant.
  • Increasing dependence.
  • Preparation for childbirth.

Common Discomforts During Pregnancy:

Symptoms of discomfort due to pregnancy vary from woman to woman. The following are some common discomforts.

  1. Nausea and vomiting,
  2. Morning sickness,
  3. Fatigue,
  4. Hemorrhoids,
  5. Varicose veins,
  6. Bleeding gums,
  7. Heartburn and indigestion,
  8. Pica,
  9. Swelling or fluid retention,
  10. Skin changes,
  11. Stretch marks,
  12. Yeast infections,
  13. Congested or bloody nose,
  14. Constipation,
  15. Backache,
  16. Headaches,
  17. Dizziness,
  18. Dizziness during pregnancy is a common symptom, which may be caused by:
  • Low blood pressure due to the uterus compressing major arteries,
  • Low blood sugar,
  • Low iron,
  • Dehydration,
  • Quickly moving from a sitting position to a standing position.

Complication of Pregnancy:

It includes-

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