How to Do Breast Self-Examination for Breast Cancer?

Breast Self-Examination Procedure or Methods:

The breast self-examination should be done at the same time each month at the end of the menstrual period for menstruating females or on the same date for women who have ceased menstruating. The best time to reform a Breast Self-Examination (BSE) is 2 or 3 days after the period ends when the breast is least likely to be tender or swollen. The nurse’s responsibilities include teaching the importance of breast self-examination, demonstrating the examination, and evaluating the patient’s ability to perform a return demonstration.
Self breast examination step by step
Fig: Self breast examination step by step

What are the Steps of Breast Self-Examination (BSE)?

There are six steps following for breast self-examination to detect breast cancer. All the steps have discussed below:

It includes-

  • Stand before a mirror,
  • Check both breasts for anything unusual,
  • Have to look for discharge from the nipple, puckering, dimpling, or scaling of the skin.

The next two steps are done to check for any changes in the contour of your breast. You should be able to feel your muscles tighten as you do them.

In the mirror, watch closely as you clasp your hands behind your head and press your hands forward. You have to note the changes in the contour of your breast.

Next, press your hands firmly on your hips and elbow slightly towards the mirror as you pull your shoulders and elbows forward. In the shower, some women do the next part of the examination. Both fingers will glide effortlessly over soapy skin. So, you can focus on feeling for changes inside the breast.

It includes-

  • Raise your left arm.
  • Use your 3 or 4 fingers of your right hand to feel your left breast resolutely, carefully, and thoroughly.
  • Beginning at the outer edge, press the left part of your fingers in small circles, moving the circles slowly around the breasts.
  • Gradually work toward the nipple.
  • Be sure to exam the whole breast.
  • Pay special attention to the area between the breast and underarm including the underarm itself.
  • You have to feel for any masses or unusual lumps under the skin.

It includes-

  • Mildly squeeze the nipple and search for a discharge.
  • If you have found any discharge during an examination or whether during the month, visit your doctor.
  • Your doctor repeats the examination on your breast.

It includes-

  • Step-04 and step-05 should be repeated lying down.
  • Lie flat on you are with your back with your left are over your head and a pillow or folded towel under your left shoulder. This position makes it easier to check and flattens your breast.
  • Use the same circular motion described above.
  • Repeat on your right breast.

After maturation of the breasts, girls can be taught how to examine themselves for early signs of cancer, regular examination of the breasts should follow each menstrual period. Breast self-examination can be taught during the physical assessment but films and group discussions help reinforce the importance and acceptability of this self-care responsibility. The nurse reminds girls to make an immediate appointment with their health care providers for breast self-examination if they feel a breast mass.

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