Types and Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs)

Definition of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs):

Sexually transmitted diseases may be defined as infections acquired during heterosexual or homosexual intercourse with an infected partner. STDs are the diseases which are predominantly transmitted by/ through sexual (or intimate) contact from an infected partner.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) Types
Fig: Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) Types

Classification or Types of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs):

According to causative agent:



Agent/ Pathogen


Gonorrhea, PID, Urethritis

Neisseria gonorrhea


Treponema palladium


Homophilus ducreyi

vanerium, PID, urethritis, cervicitis

Chlamydia trachomatis

Non gonococcal urethritis

Chlamydis trachomatis and Ureaplasma urealyticum

Granulima Ingunali

Calymmatobacterium granulomatis

PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease)

Mycoplasma hominis







Genital herpes

Herpes simplex virus

Genital warts

Papilloma virus

Molluscum contagosum

Molluscum contagosum



Candida albicans




Trichomnonas vaginalis

Enteritis (in homosexual men)

Entamoeba histolytica or Giardia lamblia


Pubic pediculosis

Phythirus pubis


Sarcoptes scabiei

Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs):

Anyone, who is sexually active risks exposure to a sexually transmitted infection to some degree. Factors that may increase that risk include:

1. Having unprotected sex:

Vaginal or anal penetration by an infected partner who isn’t wearing a latex condom significantly increases the risk of getting an STI. Improper or inconsistent use ‘of condoms can also increase your risk.

2. Having sexual contact with multiple partners:

The more people you have sexual contact with, the greater your risk. This is true for concurrent partners as well as monogamous consecutive relationships.

3. Having a history of STIs:

Having one STI makes it much easier for another STI to take hold.

4. Anyone forced to have sexual intercourse or sexual activity:

Dealing with rape or assault can be difficult, but it’s important to be seen as soon as possible, Screening, treatment and emotional support can be offered.

5. Abusing alcohol or using recreational drugs:

Substance abuse can inhibit your judgment, making you more willing to participate in risky behaviors.

6. Iniecting drugs:

Needle sharing spreads many serious infections, including HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

7. Being young:

Half of STDs occur in people between the ages of 15 and 24.

8. Men who request prescriptions for drugs to treat erectile dysfunction:

Men who ask their doctors for prescriptions for certain drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra) have higher rates of STIs. Be sure you are up to date on safe sex practices if you ask your doctor for one of these medications.

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