Purpose of Community Health Assessment | Health Assessment Components

A Details Discussion on Community Health Assessment 

Community Assessment in Public Health:

A community assessment involves an evaluation of the current situation in a community. It is a judgment of what the preferred or desired situation in that community would be and a comparison of the actual and desired situation to prioritize concerns. A community health assessment is generally performed early in the development of a coalition to better understand the community and to decide how the coalition might best address its concerns.
Community health assessment
Fig: Community health assessment

Components of Community Health Assessment:

There are mainly eight components of physical assessment. Those are listed below:

  1. Health history,
  2. Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat,
  3. Neurological,
  4. Cardiovascular assessment,
  5. Gastrointestinal assessment,
  6. Genitourinary assessment,
  7. Musculoskeletal assessment,
  8. Assessment of the integument.

A complete and holistic health assessment includes the following:

  • Health history,
  • Physical, psychological, social, and spiritual assessment,
  • Consideration of laboratory and diagnostic test results,
  • Review of other available health information.
Principle of Community Health Assessment:

There are some key principles of community assessment which are presented below:

  1. Residents are one of the best experts in the community in which they live.
  2. All the residents have abilities, skills, and talents that they can contribute to the community.
  3. A potent community is created upon the resources and talents of its members.
Different Purposes of Community Assessment:

A community health assessment can be very effective in mobilizing a community to act as it ascertains and matches the skills of community members with the resources of organizations. Community health assessments can also be utilized to do the following:

  • Create a coalition action plan.
  • Establish objectives for a program or intervention.
  • Select the strategies to use in a program or intervention.
  • For evaluating progress in the community, establish a baseline.
  • Ascertain new strategies, ideas, partners, and resources that can be used in working toward a common goal.

More questions related to this article:

  1. What are community assessments in public health?
  2. Define the community assessment.
  3. What are the components of community health assessments?
  4. What are the common components of health assessment?
  5. List the principles of community assessment.
  6. What are the purposes of community assessment?
  7. What is the purpose of a community needs assessment?
  8. Why is community assessment important?
  9. What are the key components of the community assessment process?
  10. What is the purpose of a needs assessment?
  11. What community does health need assessments?
  12. What are the components of a patient assessment?
  13. What is a physical health assessment?

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